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Features & Enhancements: April Updates

EnMotive does not stop at good. We continue to enhance our products to make your experience great. Check out the features and enhancements made in April.


If your event does not have it's own website, this feature is perfect for you. It's free and built in through our software application.

The new feature is tracking of the information from the website. Note that this is from all websites from today forward. We cannot gather data from previous websites that you had with us. Also note, that the data can only be gathered from the marketing sites on our platform. If you have your own site, outside the platform, the data cannot be gathered. A way to gather data from your own website is to link it to the EnMotive site. That is a path that can be taken to gather data from EnMotive. The analytics from utilizing our site can help guide decisions for your event.


The example shows:

  • Number of views

  • How many return visits

  • Where are they coming from - pulled directly from Google

  • Page used - results page, packet pickup, sponsors, and more

  • EnMotive delivers the analytics


The user registration analytics tool works just like the marketing site tool, providing you with data, but in this case, information regarding the user.


The example shows:

  • Source & referral

  • Number of views

  • Unique visitors

  • Location

  • Device


This widget is a very useful tool for fundraising efforts. You can download the chart and the data to make decisions on what is the best day to run a campaign, to email and so on. All the data is filterable. It's a great tool, filled with information to enhance and increase donations.


This new update gives you the opportunity to change the checkbox to either opt-out or opt-in.

It's a minor update, but very useful based on how you want to have your participants respond.


Watch the entire webinar and get all details by clicking the link below.

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