Photography is a way to add value to your event. Metrics provide event directors insight and data to confirm and validate the inclusion of photography. All events, running, cycling, trade shows, ticketing events and so on, can benefit from having photography. Take a look at the photo metrics from several events that incorporated photography and video with EnMotive in the first quarter of 2023. We enhance the experience of the participant, by capturing special moments, providing material for social media, and naturally and organically bringing more participants into our event. "Click" below to find out more about how EnMotive can add memories and value to your next event.
Event #1 - Photos and Video
ROI: $5.55
Participants: Approximately 8,300
Event: Four Mile Walk/Run

Event #2 - Photos
ROI: $4.43
Participants: Approximately 650
Event: Marathon
FUN FACT: EnMotive had all the photos up for viewing and downloading before the last person crossed the finish line!

Event #3 - Photos
ROI: $3.56
Participants: Approximately 3,000
Event: 5k Walk/Run

Event #4 - Photos
ROI: $2.45
Participants: Approximately 10,000
Event: 5k Walk/Run

Event #5 - Photos
ROI: $2.96
Participants: Approximately 800
Event: Half Marathon and Relay

"Click" below to learn more about adding photography to your event.