Following are the release notes for additions, changes and fixes made to our software application releasing between July 27th, 2023 and August 9th, 2023. Release notes are delivered every other Friday. If you have any additional questions, comments or concerns, please send an email to support@enmotive.com.
Correction requests will disable automatically
Results correction requests for an event , if they are enabled, will now disable automatically 30 days post-event
Mobile Check-in is now available on iOS
Our mobile check-in application, used currently for check-in of tickets, volunteers or participants who do not need assigned a bib, wristband or number, is now available on iOS in the App Store.
Added the ability for static custom text to be added to bib labels
Bib labels are now able to have custom defined static text be set and used with an existing
section or as a new section. This is helpful to add sponsor name, a defined label type (e.g. Volunteer) or any custom piece of text that will be displayed consistently and on every bib label
Font size can now be selected to bib labels
We have now added a font size selector to be able to scale the size of the font relative to the section the field is used in.
Users will now be able to "Select All" registrations in a car to apply a coupon to
When a user goes to apply a coupon to a cart, they will now be able to easily apply that coupon to all registrations in the cart using "Select All" if the coupon is eligible.
Email Campaigns now ask for email type, instead of inferring from a checkbox
An update was made to the interface selection for our determination for email type
(transactional vs marketing). Instead of a checkbox that states “Allow multiple emails to be sent to same recipient, such as for bib number assignments, QR Code instructions, or Volunteer Instructions” that would make that transactional and not allow unsusbcribe, there will now be a radio option for “Marketing” or “Transactional” with tooltips further clarifying the usage and types, with examples.
User unsubscribed from email campaigns will now be checked for duplication
When a user unsubscribes from an email campaign, we will now check to see if that user is already on the suppression list. If they are, they will now be notified and not added. Additionally, all duplicate unsubscribes were removed up on existing suppression lists. We kept the earliest unsubscribe if there were duplicates.
Email Unsubscribe (Suppression) Optimizations made at the event level
Support was added to not allow an admin to add a duplicate email address to an event suppression list. In addition, admins are now able to import into an event suppression list.
Email Unsubscribe (Suppression) Optimizations made at the tenant and series level
Support was added to allow admins to import into an event series or tenant suppression list. In addition we have added the campaign name to the unsubscribe dashboard and export as well as now allow search by email address to check if on a suppression list at these levels.
Updated Google Analytics 4 Data Layer to remove personal information
Previously the registrant name would be included in the registration item and instead we will now use registrant_ID moving forward as a replacement
Start Next Order for kiosk will now perform the same action as "reset"
Updated the "Start Next Order" from kiosk order confirmation needs to perform the same actions as "Reset" Behavior does. This saved an additional step the user needed to perform.
API - GET /events/id/registrants/id receives results_corrections flag
Added `results_correction` the API response for this endpoint. This will deliver as
`1` or `0`
Admins unable to save Facebook social media settings without entering Conversion API token
Resolve an issue where the Facebook settings for an event cannot be saved without entering a Conversion API Token
Resolved users deferring into virtual events that have a start date and end date that lapses a longer period of time
Resolved an issue where users are not able to defer into an event where event start date is in the past but event end date is in the future , most typically seen in a virtual event. The resolution will allow this to function until the event end date for events that are type “virtual”.
Registrations unable to complete a deferral with required membership
Resolved where users are not able to complete deferral with attached required membership
registration was in the cart
Events created in private status were not being set with private key
Resolved an issue where an Event that was created and set to Private status during creation, did not have a Private Key set automatically. A user would have to set it to a different status, then back to private to regenerate.
User unable to remove a team fundraising slideshow image
Resolved an issue where the user was unable to use the remove action in slideshow configuration for a team fundraising page slideshow
Income Summary by Week widget failing to report weekly data
Resolve an issue where the Income Summary by Week, was no longer returning the weekly data. There was no issue with collection or reporting of financial dollars.
Canada shows up as California on the participant location map for Country
Resolved where Canada shows up as California on the participant location map for Countries
Events being able to be viewed in a different sub-domain
Resolved an issue where if an event slug or ID from one tenant, was used in the subdomain of another tenant, it would load that event inside that other tenant's theme. We will now forward slugs/ids being accessed in another subdomain to the primary site of the tenant that owns the slug/id. There was no issues with functionality it just impacted the subdomain and the theme displayed for the tenant.