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The Pioneer in Dynamic Bib Assignment

Updated: Nov 1, 2022

To be dynamic is to be energetic, capable of action and/or change. And that's exactly what our registration system is - DYNAMIC, capable of action.

EnMotive is the pioneer for building Dynamic Bib Assignment for the industry's packet pickup solution for road races.

Around 2010, companies were brainstorming ways to streamline packet pickup. Industry experts knew that the old fashion wall posters with the alpha list of everyone's name and bib number in alphabetical/numerical order was not the most ideal and efficient method of getting crowds in and out of an expo. There had to be a better way to assign bibs to participants. That's where EnMotive comes in. We took a hard look at the industry's packet pickup needs and made the process fit a growing market.

Our initial focus was to retool and redesign the process to fit the Hot Chocolate Race Series and RAM Racing events. Our team knew that we needed a fast and powerful tool, especially for Hot Chocolate Chicago.

The Chicago Hot Chocolate run welcomes 10,000 participants to packet pickup on the first day of the expo. We needed to create something fast and powerful to make packet pickup fast and efficient for the staff and the participants alike. The hardware and software also had to be easy to set up and easy to use. Knowing that the volunteers would make up a large part of our packet pick up crew, the tools needed to be teachable and intuitive. Quick training was key.

Our innovative and powerful solution is Dynamic Bibs with label printing at the point of pick up. EnMotive is the only company that has this solution. It's simple, customizable, teachable and incredibly flexible.

The label printing technology, provides flexibility on what custom fields the event would like printed on the label and included on participant's bibs.

  • Name/personalization

  • Wave assignment

  • Shirt size

  • Special add-ons based on registration

  • Specific individual requirement

  • Date of the event

  • Any custom field the race wants to include on the bib that is pertinent to packet pick up and race day, can be programed to print on the label


So how does it work? A participant registers for an event. They are sent a confirmation via email with a QR code specific to that registration. The participant then brings either their phone, a paper copy or a photo of the QR code to packet pickup. Upon arrival, the volunteer scans the code, scans the new bib, a label with all the pertinent information is printed, the volunteer places the label on the bib and done. Any swag printed on the bib label, such as shirt size and special add-ons will be printed. The staff will hand over the bib and the swag and off the participant goes.

EnMotive also knew that the hardware had to be easy and practical as well. It needed to be mobile so it could be shipped to events across the US and be able to just plug in, turn on and GO. On any given weekend, EnMotive hosts 15 events across the country. To provide dynamic bib solution our hardware needed to be packable and interchangeable. The hardware and software combination we developed and perfected is at the top of the most useful tool for the race director's packet pickup toolkit.

The value we bring to packet pickup is unmeasurable.

  • It allows registration to stay open until race time, increasing your registration numbers and maximizing your event revenue

  • Allows packet pick up to take place at multiple locations at the same time

  • Easy early packet pickup opportunities

  • Makes mailing packets a breeze

Data is also a very important aspect of events. Data gives the race director information to keep the things that are going well with the event and change the items that need improvement. The data gathered on our registration platform is also valuable and customizable.

From the moment the participant hits the REGISTER NOW button, to the start of an event, EnMotive has them covered. The event director can rest assured that registration and packet pickup will run smoothly and efficiently. The participant knows that their time is valuable and packet pickup will be quick and painless. What might be painful is the training and the actual event, but when it comes to efficiency, speed, and power during packet pick up, EnMotive has the competition beat.

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